Repairing Aluminum Extrusions: Overcoming a Drive-Thru Incident

My journey with van life took a slight detour recently when I encountered an unexpected challenge involving the structural integrity of my camper van. While navigating through a drive-thru with a deceptively low clearance, I accidentally inflicted some damage to the roof rack and mounts of my van’s aluminum extrusions. This blog post details the resilience of the 8020 aluminum extrusion system used in my camper van conversion project, the steps taken to repair the accidental damage, and lessons learned to avoid future issues.

Detailed repair of aluminum extrusions after accidental damage in a camper van, featuring 8020 system resilience

The Resilience of 8020 Aluminum Extrusion

Firstly, it’s crucial to appreciate the robustness of the 8020 aluminum extrusion system that’s integral to my van’s build. Despite the mishap, the primary aluminum extrusions emerged remarkably unscathed, showcasing their high quality and durability. The 8020 system is renowned for its ability to withstand real life challenges, providing a sturdy framework that supports the various modifications of a camper van. It was only the smaller connectors that suffered—bent but not broken, highlighting that the damage was inconvenient but not disastrous.

Evaluating the Damage

Upon assessing the damage, it became evident that the structural damage was minimal. The connectors showed signs of structural damage, primarily in the form of bending. The aluminum extrusions themselves were intact, with no signs of cracks or significant deformation. This incident highlighted the importance of choosing high quality materials like the 8020 aluminum extrusion for any van conversion, especially for elements like the roof rack that are exposed to potential impacts.

Steps to Repair the Damage

Repairing the damaged components was essential not only to restore the aesthetic appeal of my camper van but also to ensure long term functionality and safety. Here’s how I addressed the repair:

  1. Initial Inspection: I conducted a thorough examination to understand the extent of damage. This involved checking each connector attached to the extrusion system for any deformities or weaknesses.
  2. Removing the Bent Connectors: Using basic tools, I carefully removed the connectors that were bent. This was a delicate process to avoid causing further damage to the surrounding aluminum extrusions.
  3. Sourcing Replacement Connectors: I sourced high-quality replacements that matched the specifications of the original parts to maintain the integrity of the extrusion system.
  4. Reassembly: With new connectors in hand, I reassembled the parts, ensuring each was securely fastened and aligned properly within the 8020 system. This step was crucial to avoid any misalignment that could lead to additional stress and potential damage.
  5. Final Assessment: After the repair, I conducted another detailed inspection to ensure there were no loose parts and that everything was restored to its original state.
Man using a flashlight to check for signs of structural damage on the roof rack's aluminum extrusions of a camper van in a desert at sunset

Preventative Measures for Future Protection

Learning from this incident, I realized the importance of spatial awareness in environments not typically navigated by a converted camper van. Here are some preventative steps I’ve implemented:

  • Height Awareness: I placed clear markers on my dashboard indicating the maximum height clearance of my camper van, ensuring I remain aware of low structures.
  • Route Planning: I now plan my routes with height restrictions in mind, avoiding low clearance areas that pose a risk to my van’s roof and attachments.
  • Regular Inspections: I’ve scheduled regular inspections of the van’s roof and aluminum extrusions to check for any signs of wear or minor damage that could escalate if unnoticed.


Though the drive-thru mishap was an unexpected setback in my camper van conversion project, it served as a valuable learning experience in maintaining and protecting the structural components of my van. The resilience of the 8020 aluminum extrusion system proved its worth, handling the accidental damage with minimal impact on the overall structure. This incident underscores the importance of preparation and awareness in van life, ensuring that the joy of freedom on the road remains uninterrupted by such challenges.
